Looking ahead to spring

It is mid winter here in the Chicago region. So far our temperatures have been mild with many days in the 30’s and 40’s and very little snow cover. Even though the winter has been easy to manage so far, I know there is still the potential for cold and snow to come. But with the days getting longer it is making me anxious and hopeful for spring. This is when I take inventory of what plants I have and what plants I want in my landscape. It is also the time I winter sow many of the seeds I harvested in 2022 and with the magic and nurturing of nature, will grow into plants I can offer to you later this spring and summer. See my 12/27/2022 post regarding winter sowing. There is still time left if you are interested in giving it a try. Here is a photo of one of my favorite spring flowers. Shooting Star (Dodecatheon media), will show its pretty pink and sometimes white flowers as early as April depending on the weather. Returning hummingbirds visit the blooms!


A native garden in winter…


Tis the season for winter sowing